MyROMA: AS Roma is requested to create a Corner for the fans during the Spring matches
MyROMA informs its members and supporters that it has been proposed to AS Roma to set up a reception point for the matches of the Primavera to face the inconveniences that are created during some matches. MyROMA offers its volunteers absolutely free of charge by involving the fans in a service for the fans.
The text of the letter sent is attached for transparency.
With this we would like to present you with an initiative addressed to all the supporters who go on Saturday afternoons to attend the Spring matches. We are convinced that some improvements must be considered in order to be able to pursue the goal that we all set ourselves: bringing families closer to Rome with an eye to new generations. In this regard, MyROMA wants to make its contribution by asking you the possibility of placing a stand at the entrance of the camp, a sort of reception point where the fans can turn to ask for information and deposit objects. The service would be offered by MyROMA volunteer members, easily recognizable through identification bibs, absolutely free of charge. We trust as always in your collaboration, also in consideration of the fact that the matches of the Primavera are increasingly attracting fans of all ages and that the role of a Supporters Trust like MyROMA must include service activities like this.